Welcome to AgFoodLife, a blog for the Dale Bumpers College of Agricultural, Food and Life Sciences at the University of Arkansas.
So, why AgFoodLife? In terms of the name, that’s us – agricultural, food and life sciences.
AgFoodLife brings attention to careers in agricultural, food, environmental, human and life sciences, and focuses on potential careers with degrees from Bumpers College by highlighting successful professionals who are our graduates or members of our faculty. We may occasionally share posts from or about students and their experiences while on the path to their professional careers.
There are many topics we can write about relating to their work, research, study and careers because agriculture, food and our areas of science impact everyone. At times, we’ll touch on topics of interest and industry news related to our majors and minors.
For the most part, however, this blog focuses on the careers of our alums. We are emphasizing agriculture, apparel, business, communications, economics, education, the environment, food, hospitality, human development, nutrition, plants, science, STEM and quality of life careers, and illustrating why students and potential students should be interested in Bumpers College degrees.
We’re hearing from graduates of our programs and our expert faculty and scientists. We’ll look at their career path, how they are using their Bumpers College education and what they do to make a difference in the lives of people locally, regionally, nationally and internationally.
You’ll get advice and insight, and learn about their business and company. You’ll get to know some of our graduates, and learn something new about our faculty. In doing so, we hope you share with students, teachers and counselors across the country that Bumpers College is the starting point for a purposeful, meaningful, rewarding career.
We’re bringing in experts in their respective fields, and sharing stories, tips, and advice for students, future students, potential students, alums and friends.
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Five Ways To Win At Remote Work
During the COVID-19 pandemic, many people find themselves adjusting to more virtual arrangements. These times have challenged business owners, decision-makers and entire organizations to rethink how they function. We see resiliency and innovation at exponential rates with software rollouts, notable updates, digital thinking and socially distanced connectedness. What an impressive time to be alive!